Monday, February 6, 2012

C-Section Tips

I have been trying to gather my thoughts and remember my "tips" for a c-section, I thought since I was compiling them anyways, why not help someone out who may be going through a c-section too.

Here are some tips that I have found to be helpful (I learn a little more each c/s,,this will be my 4th one!)

  • Prep work isn't too bad, but one thing that will help is to keep a full bladder when they put in the catheter, this will make it a little more comfortable 
  • **updated: this time around I found out that you can ask to get the catheter put in after you are numb on the c/s table (this way you don't feel anything, BUT  you are spread eagle in front of EVERYONE, the choice is yours, ha!)
  • no way around the IV's, you will like them later though (pain meds)
  • Ask for your pain meds before you are in a ton of pain, it's easier to control your pain this way
  • Rest, Rest, Rest while you can (first few hours) limit visitors if you can, I know it's tough because you want to share that joy with everyone that you love, but pretty soon they are going to make you walk and do all kinds of hard things!  You will feel very similar to the woman in the magic show that they "saw" in half and then they will say, "okay, now get up and walk",,,,so hard!  So REST while you can!
  • let me tell you that first time is rough getting out of bed,I do mean ROUGH!  but it's for the best, as soon as they will let you, get up and get moving, circulation is good for you
  • the gas pains can be the worst, so moving around and walking will be very helpful for you
  • eat first, THEN walk,,,this will help to not build up as much gas (all the narcotics they give you really puts a damper on your bowels)
  • this reminds me, be sure to get a suppository, stool softner too!  (my hemmies always flare up, and remember I DON'T push, it's just all from the narcotics and sitting for so long).
  • don't drink ice cold water, drink your water luke warm,,,you will be dying of thirst (once again, the narcotics), but the ice cold water will irritate your gas more, room temp water is best for helping pass things right along!
  • I like to keep a water bottle in the bed next to me at all times, this way my water is not across the room on a table and less likely to get drank because it's too far away, any time the nurse came in the room, or any visitor, family member, etc I would finish whatever was in my bottle then ask them to simply refill it for me from the sink,,I must have drank like 25 water bottles, haha
  • don't drink through a straw, you don't really realize it, but using a straw actually uses your abdominal muscles and since you will be so thirsty, you will be using these muscles a lot and this will hurt!
  • NO carbonated drinks
  • Nursing can be a little difficult at first, due to the baby lying on your incision can be painful (and the contractions are a little painful to your incision) PLUS just the normal "kinda hurt" feeling you feel when nursing, but use a boppy pillow and/or the football hold for a while to find more comfort
  • when it's time to take off your incision bandage, Bless God, this part is TERRIBLE,,,get in the shower and let the warm water run over it while taking it off, this will help it to not hurt quite as bad, it will still be intense, but it does help a little
  • keep walking as much and often as you can,,,I typically like to have a goal to walk to, so I go and visit the nursery and look at the baby through the window (keeps me more motivated)
  • try to order things off the menu that are not going to irritate your bowels as much, fried chicken=bad
  • I like to get my staples out as early as they will possibly let me,,,my skin heals super fast and starts to scab over the staple and that junk hurts, I actually feel like I can walk/bend better once they come out
  • Once you get home, continue to try to walk around and move as much as possible
  • don't pick up anything heavier than your newbie
  • continue to take your pain meds as directed, then slowly start to wean yourself to regular tylenol
My down time is normally about 4-5 days,,,normally a full week later I can walk totally normal, and quit taking my meds!  The process of standing to sitting and sitting to standing is tough, but once I am UP I am good and once I am DOWN I am good.  The bed is actually my most painful place, you use a LOT of abdominal muscles in the bed when you roll over get up etc,,,so I am still using lots and lots of pillows even after that baby is out of me,,,poor Seth :)

I hope this list helps some of you out there, it has helped me a lot!!

And just for fun, let's stroll Memory Lane:
*Notice Seth's glasses change every year*
And Yes, he has new ones this year too, hahaha!

c-section with Stevie Joy

Neela Grace

and Titus Robert!

Soon to be here Miss Olive Hope!!


  1. And people think natural child birth is tough????!!!! Why wiuld anyone ever request a c section!?! Praying for you today! You are so strong, super woman!!!!

  2. I don't remember any of this painful sounding stuff. Plus, why in the WORLD does your hospital still use regular staples?!?! I had dissolvable staples with mine and had no pain associated with them. I loved them. I do have a question for you though that I thought of last night; do they cath you before or after your spinal block? I REALLY hope it's after! Going in this time as a scheduled c-section is going to be so much different!

    I couldn't even sleep in the bed for 2 weeks. I think that was the most painful part of the entire thing for me with the exception of almost passing out the first time I got up. Stubborn me, I was determined to get a shower as soon as I stood up....not a good idea.

    Hoping you have a super fast recovery!!!

  3. Praying for you today! I hope everything goes smoothly!

  4. It seems as though Seth changes his glasses every time you have a baby :D
    I'm super happy for you! We're going out as soon as the stitches come off ;)
