Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Meeting SANTA!!

Saturday morning we took the kids to Steels Jewelry to meet Santa.  We are not big "Santa" people per say.  We talk about Santa, just as we would talk about Cinderella and other make believe characters, but I don't really like the idea of "lying" to my children about Santa.  We don't say that Santa brought the presents under the tree, we say that Daddy and Mommy brought them to them because we love them! We just like the idea of being able to say that we have never lied to our children, so that they are more likely to always trust us, call us weird if you want :) :) Also, we would prefer our children talk more about Jesus's birth around Christmas time than Santa and gifts.  So we put more emphasis and time and effort into Mangers, Angels, etc.
However, I do think the idea behind St. Nicholas is a great thing, so we are NOT nazi anti-santa freaks, hahaha!  We did take the kids to go meet Santa this year, mostly because the store he was at is run by some friends of ours and they are the coolest people ever :) AND because, truthfully, I am mean and think that the pics with that Jolly 'Ol St. Nicholas and the not so happy kiddos are FUNNAY!!

Here are some pics of the kiddos that morning with Santa.

*SJ is all about this elephant hat right now*

Titus was a bit more interested in Neela's candy cane

Raise your hand if you like Santa,,,,

The suckers the kiddos brought to Santa :)

They did pretty well meeting him, the drama/meltdown actually came *after* we had to leave :)

Here is a glimpse to the rest of our morning back at the house,,princess puzzles and tickle matches

and lots and lots of whining from a certain teething tot :-/

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