Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Junkie!!

I cannot say enough how much I love Stevie Joy's age!!!  I thought I loved 2 year olds, but 3 year olds are where it's at!!!  She gets soooo excited about things and is so easy to teach!  At this point, I feel like she will be so much fun to homeschool someday :-)  

 This week we are talking about the letter "R" as in reindeer and Rudolph!  It doesn't take much to get her into things!  She has been singing the song all day long now, and drawing her letter "Rr" everywhere :) I put her in this Rudolph shirt for pajamas tonight and she was ecstatic!!

She found this ball and made herself a red, shiny nose!  I love her little imagination and creativity!!

She wanted me to be Rudolph too :-)

We are creating a little Christmas Junkie!!  We do some type of Christmas craft everyday!! 

We are both in Heaven!

We made a little Christmas countdown,,our plan is to take the number off each day as we get closer to Christmas day and write on the back of the number card a reason we are happy that Jesus was born, then put the cards down inside this Star container and review the cards and the reasons that we are so happy that Jesus was born 

Stevie Joy has been saying the funniest thing, she holds her toy gun up in the air and shouts, "Who wants to go shopping?!"  I guess she knows how intense the shopping crowd is out there :-)

~~~~Onto Neela Grace~~~~
Check out pretty Neela's locks are!!

And her big, beautiful eyes!!

Just chilling by the tree :)  It's where you can find her most of the time!

I love my little Christmas Junkies,,,we have found a nice balance of talking about Jesus's birth and the other Christmas type things there are,,,they love discussing the birth of Jesus each morning after breakfast and singing Away in a Manger, they even know all the sign motions :-)  We talk a lot about giving, but truthfully, we do these things all year round!  Next weekend, we plan to give out mistle toe up at the local grocery store here and minister with the kids to our local neighbors :) I did not grow up in a family that discussed a lot of Jesus things around Christmas time, so I am relying a lot of Seth's traditions and we are making our own up as we go along ;)  And enjoying every minute of it!!

1 comment:

  1. you are SUCH a fun mommy who puts so much effort and thought into each thing you do with your kids. they are SO blessed to have you!!!!!
