Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Super Vain Post

Sorry, I haven't posted in so long!!  Truthfully, it's kinda hard for me to stay motivated with blogging, because I prefer facebook so much more and pretty much all of my friends and family are already on there, so it gets tough for me to do both, b/c I don't want to be redundant, ya know??

Anyways, here is a Super vain post for you gals ;)

I saw a sign the other day that said, "Eyebrows matter" and it had a picture of Anne Hathaway with and without filled in eyebrows,,,and it got me thinking, wow, brows really are the frame of your face!

I thought I would share with you some of my own eyebrow (good times and bad times).  FYI, my brows are my least favorite feature and they take the most time to work on!!  Thanks daddy for those great genes, hahaha.

Here is how they looked when Seth and I met (and he basically made fun of me everyday saying my brows were waaaaaay to thin, but I didn't listen, ha!)

Here they are a *bit too "all na-tu-ral!"

 shaped up, but tooo light
(almost there though)

HERE we go!!  Now they look great,,fuller but not too shabby

I have finally learned to embrace my full brows and they have actually recently become one of my favorite features!

I guess my mom was right after all,,,haha, she use to always say that she loved my eyebrows so much, I thought she was crazy!!

Here is a pic of me Halloween night (with my Rocket dolled up x-ray shirt a friend gave me)

Nice brows huh? ;)
Seriously though, I am not sure if it's my pregnancy glow or what (I mean, it sure aint my skinny butt or tan skin, ha!)
But I feel like this is the best I have looked in a while, and the only thing that has changed is my brows, so they really must be the frame of your face :)
What do you guys feel like is the most important (outer appearance, obviously) feature?
What do you feel like you work the most on?
Are they the same?
For me they are :) :)

I pinky promise my next post will NOT be so vain,,but this blog is about me too (just look at the title) *wink!


  1. omg so true about the eyebrows...i'm in the SAME boat as you - mega mega thick ones that i used to have WAY too thin. it's a PAIN to let them grow back in and i still have to color mine in a little everyday for them to look okay...annoying!
