Friday, August 31, 2012

Rainy Afternoons...What to Do????

It's been raining here most every afternoon. 
What to do? What to do?

Embrace it,
cuddle up on the couch with my sweet, cuddly, first born!
Just discussing life, Jesus, numbers, ABC's, ponies, and friends :)

Put on some worship music (okay, for real BLAST some worship music) and dance
with one of the best worshipers I know!!

of course you could always have a little photo shoot with Olive Hope!

Werd to yo Mother!

at least someone thinks I am funny!

you could get lost in baby world for a while

a long while ;)

Make a huge decision...
laundry or babies?
laundry or babies?

(look at that face)

okay, you could just take a few more pics of that sweet, sweet baby


you could talk your 4 year old into taking a few pics of you, 
the real you, with no make up and some desperately needing to be brushed hair!

and then at last, Daddy is home and all is well, we can tag team :)

P.S. did anyone else notice that there was NO NEELA GRACE in these pics?
she was probably doing her version of "rainy afternoons"
they consist of Netflix and Tommy (her cat), ha!


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