Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Alina and our Dance Recital

The girls had a friend over the other day, Alina :)

They all played really well together.  At first, she walked in and Titus was all like,
"What the heck ANOTHER girl?" hahaha
but then he warmed up to her pretty fast.

Once Titus and Olive went down for naps, we put on a little dance recital
complete with costumes

and an audience of stuffed animals :)

Stevie Joy loved showing us all her dance moves!!
She is so excited about her dance class starting up in a few weeks, we are believing God for the money for two kiddos in dance!  Although, just recently Neela has been saying that she wants to play soccer instead, so we will see how that plays out :)

check her out up on her toesies!!

Neela would make an adorable little dancer, but I don't want to push her into anything, 
I don't want her thinking that just because Stevie takes dance that she has to, ya know?
Also, just because it would be loads easier on me if they both were in the same thing, I really really
want my kids to do what they are passionate about and interested in.
So youtube videos on soccer, here we come!

I was the dance instructor for the day :)

we put on Stevie's dance recital dvd and the girls mocked the moves

here they are pretending to be in the little "birds' nests"
super cute!

The kids had a lot of fun with Alina (Yaya is what they call her).  
It was nice to be able to help out her mommy so she could write lesson plans and for the girls to 
have some fun friend time! Next friend over will probably need to be a boy for Titus's sake, hahaha :)


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