Thursday, May 24, 2012

Animal Loving

I love animals and always have.  Particularly, baby animals.  Before we moved, Seth said that once we moved the farm he wouldn't mind if we got a few more animals, I am not sure he wanted to increase by: 
an inside dog (Seven), a cat (mimi's cat, Jasmine), 4 kittens (Yucky had babies), 11 chicks, 2 cows, a baby calf, and an outside dog (Lulu)!! 
He has not complained *yet though ;)

Here is a little animal update:
checking in on the baby kitties

nice face Tee Tee (Stevie)

Bomb Bird (the black kitty) was the first kitty to open its eyes

Neela loves the baby kitties!  Their is a little chair up in the loft that she is always asking to sleep in so that she can sleep with the baby kitties :)

Whenever Titus holds the kitties for like 5 whole minutes he goes, "awwwwwww!"

White Angry Bird Kitty :)

Stevie the kitty

he takes the responsibility of feeding the mama cat very seriously!

we have some chicks for our chicken coup

I am pretty sure the kids wanted them to live inside!

We are enjoying the farm life so much!  We talk a lot about how God put us in charge of the animals and how they are God's creatures so we should love them and take care of them!  Also, that we should enjoy our work and do it with a happy heart :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...when I read the sentence about chickens for the coup, I read it as soup first! I about freaked out, but then I reread it:)
