Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Olive~18 months

The "baby" of our family, is now 18 months!!!

First a look at all my kiddos at 18 months:

We have never had a toddler this old without having a newbie right behind him/her.
I have to admit that it is a little sad. I love babies so much and I feel like my mind and body was use to that "pattern". Emotionally, it is/was a little rough.

But, this little chica keeps me so busy, I honestly don't have much time to be sad :)
Plus, it is waaaaay easier, only having one baby! 
Truthfully, *I* don't even know how we had our kids so close in age. I couldn't imagine having Olive AND a tiny 3 week old right now!  I guess you just adapt to your situation and Lean on the Lord and His grace is enough!!!!

Anyways, back to the cutie:

She loves playing with her blocks. 
And we are still rocking the cloth around here :)

She is one purdy baby!!!!

Seth is always saying that he thinks that Olive was our prettiest baby (at this stage, of course he really thinks they are all equal), but I think it's so funny for him to say that b/c she looks the MOST like him!!! ahahaha

she loves to sing, dance and clap!!!

We are all still very smitten over her! When the big girls come home from school, they always go find her first, it's really sweet.
Seth comes home from work, takes off his tie, then plops down on the couch with her!
Titus tickles her every.time. he walks by her car seat to get out of the car.
Oh the joys of being "the baby" in a family!!!

We love you so so much Miss Olive!
We know you are doing and will continue doing great things for the Kingdom of God!!

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