Friday, February 1, 2013

Locks of Love

Locks of Love is an organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.
 I am a firm believer in whatever you have, give it back to the Lord in some way.
My kids (and Seth and I) are blessed with some pretty, thick, fast-growing hair. 
So, we thought we should grow our hair out long, then donate it to this organization to do our part and help out.

Titus and Neela's hair was beyond long enough to donate!!

 Neela's new do :)

While we were at it, we went ahead and cut Olive's little baby mullet.

We hyped the whole thing up pretty good and got the kids real involved.
In hopes to instill in them the value of giving and helping others in need (and we prayed for the kids that may receive this hair for a complete healing in Jesus name!!)
I left the kids' hair long enough so that we can donate our hair again next year (plus, I like longer hair on them).
Stevie Joy and I will be doing it too with them next year (our hair wasn't quite long enough this year).
I am trying to talk Seth into growing his out to donate too, but he isn't quite sold on it yet :)

Until then, we will all keep growing out our hair, getting all "hippie-fied" again!!!

"...may his face shine upon you...."



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