Dear Neela Grace:
Wow! I can't believe you are four years old!!
I love you so so much! More than you could ever imagine plus 999 times that much ;)
You're one of the silliest kids I have ever met. You are pretty laid back about life and whatever comes your way. I pray that you stay that way.
Your dad and I always say "she's just like me" about you, we love every little quirky thing about you!! we always "claim" you!!
You somehow end up in my bed most every night. Daddy makes fun of us because we sleep face to face and super duper close all night, but we both wouldn't have it any other way!!
Your faith level is out of this world!
You love Jesus with all your heart and your love for him is so infectious!!
Some of your favorite things this year:
favorite food: apples
favorite color: green (just like Tommy, another love of yours Power Rangers, you are in LOVE with Tom)
best friend: Stevie and Mommy
favorite animal: giraffes and frogs
what you want to be when you grow up: A mommy like my mommy! (melt my heart much?) :)
You get to start school this year and you are very excited about it. You ask me all the time,
"Mommy, when is it going to be August so I can go to animal school?"
I know that you are going to shine your light so bright in school.
I am really excited to watch you grow and make friends, learn to read, and plant seeds for the Lord.
You are the most like me in that you always want to go and do something!! You are a
very content little girl, but you do LOVE to go and do. Visiting people (and their animals) is
a favorite of yours :)
I have been your mommy for four wonderful wonderful years now and you have brought me such joy.
It's such a pleasure and wonderful gift to get to be your mommy!!
YOU, my little one are going to do great things for the Kingdom (and already are doing those things!).
I pray that you will walk with Jesus and know His perfect will for your life at an early age and nothing will hinder that from you.
I pray for you to find favor all your days long!
That you will answer your call with a "Yes!" and go!!
I pray right now (in Jesus name) for your future spouse (I pray that he is well-raised in God's wisdom and grace, loved much, and that he will be prepared when ya'll meet.)
I pray for you to always find comfort in the arms of Jesus.
I love you so much Neela Grace.
I will always always be there for you.
Whatever the future holds for you, it's going to be an exciting adventure and I am so thrilled that your Daddy and I get to be right there with you all along!!! :)
Can't wait til your big bday bash!!!! From what you all have planned it's going to be so so much fun, just like you!