I love my part time job with Babies Can't Wait,,,it's such a blessing to be able to stay home 5 days a week with the babies and work 2 days a week outside the house :) What's even a bigger blessing is that Seth's mom and Seth's Aunt come to keep the kiddos on Thursday afternoons for me and Seth is able to watch them on Fridays (he gets off at 10 in the morning). Childcare cost would be OUTRAGEOUS for 3 (soon to be 4 babies!).
Here is what I get to come home to after a hard day of working:
Seth's mom and Stevie Joy put together these little gingerbread houses, so cute (and Seth's aunt bought the kit,,I'm telling you we are blessed around here!) :)
It's so nice to know they are having fun and having some quality time while I am helping other families (and making that money, haha).
Here are some pics that Seth took of the girls while he was watching them on Friday:
SJ singing out of her Bible songs book
P.S. she is in love with this elephant hat!!
Coloring out of their Rudolph coloring book their Mamaw brought over for them :)
I love their little concentration faces!
Reindeer helping her color
I don't really mind working outside the home that much, I am so thankful that I have great family to help out and keep them for me! It is also great for Seth to see what I go through everyday with the kiddos and for me to see what it's like to work outside the home (it keeps us both "in check", lol).
It is always super super hard on me though when the babies are still nursing, so I am praying to cut down on a few of my hours before Rocket is born,,it's just really tough being gone away from a nursing baby that long :-/ My babies do not do very well with bottles, they typically only like their boobies, this makes it stressful on me because I know it's stressful on the sitter. Maybe by the fourth baby I can figure out some better way to make them like the bottle and the booby :)
It is always super super hard on me though when the babies are still nursing, so I am praying to cut down on a few of my hours before Rocket is born,,it's just really tough being gone away from a nursing baby that long :-/ My babies do not do very well with bottles, they typically only like their boobies, this makes it stressful on me because I know it's stressful on the sitter. Maybe by the fourth baby I can figure out some better way to make them like the bottle and the booby :)
Maybe these?
Also, it's good that Seth knows what it is like to take care of the kids full time. Poor Ronnie works at his job 60 hours a week, then comes home to us, where I immediately hand Preston over. He doesn't understand that a baby is very time consuming all day long. He thinks we watch tv, which is hardly true at all. It isn't even on most of the time!
thanks, I'll have to try them out,,I have tried every other bottle, haha, I even thought about buying one of those things from Meet the Fockers that they dude wears (the fake boobies that produce milk),,,totally NOT kidding!