Monday, December 12, 2011

Date Night

My sweet sweet boss with Bouncing Balloons and Costumes (yes, we still work there, haha) gave us a great  Christmas present this year,,,she paid for a babysitter to come to our house so that we could go out on a date!  We were so stoked!  We took advantage of it early on because the sitter she hired was going to be doing a lot of traveling in December and we wanted to be able to catch her before started her traveling,,also, we wanted to go Christmas shopping as part of our date night so that things we could not find in town, we could buy offline and have plenty amount of time for the presents to come in.
So we planned it for this past Friday night,,,we were looking forward to it ALLLLL day!  We asked the sitter to come around 7:30 after we had the kiddos in bed that way we didn't have to worry about if Titus *happen to have a seizure (he has not ever had one in his sleep).  However, I guess the anticipation got the best of us both because we got in a fight right before we were about to leave :(  Over something totally dumb!  It was over a Christmas present I bought Seth and gave him early (needless to say he didn't like the gift, I got my feelings hurt, he already told me NOT to get him that gift because it cost too much so it was *technically my fault!, but I figured he was just being "nice", aha, turned out he wasn't!  Thankfully, once we got out the door we were all okay. We both apologized and went on our merry way!
I didn't take the camera, because when I was packing up we were still in the fight and I totally didn't even care to have pics at that moment, ha!


First stop, Royal Buffet!  It was sooo great to sit and enjoy our meal and take our time eating, the food actually somehow tasted EVEN better!
Next we started our Christmas shopping for the kiddos, it was sooo fun!  Stevie Joy was absolutely the funnest person to shop for, because she is the oldest and actually gets it!  And she gets soooo into things, she has always been like this, when she likes something, she REALLY likes it (I admire that about her, I don't really have anything like that that I am "really" into). Her thing this year was Angry Birds, so random I know, but she loves that junk!!  We kinda had to make our self buy for the other kids, hahaha.  They are just still so young and truthfully would be just as happy with a dollar store gift!  We do have a few "trick" gifts up our sleeves for Neela though, she is just too fun to pick at ;)

Here is one picture of us at Big Lots (they had great deals!) I took it on my phone since I was too stubborn to bring my camera :)

We took our time everywhere we went it was a lot easier not having to do car seats for the kiddos and not having to worry about Titus (he is a bit of a whiner these days).  We laughed and laughed and laughed!  I love having such a funny and fun loving husband, God sure knew what He was doing when He put us two together :)
We came home around midnight and chatted with the sitter for a bit and then called it a night,,,thanks so much Mrs. Brenda for the awesome Christmas present, we are truly blessed!!! Can't wait for my birthday hint hint ;)

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