Monday, January 30, 2012

Titus's Mickey Mouse

This past weekend we went to Goodwill (mostly because we were right next door at Hobby Lobby, and the kids LOVE Hobby Lobby's toys, but they are so expensive, so we always tell them that they can get a toy from the "G" store, ha!).  Anyways, Titus found this little Mickey Mouse and fell in LOVE with it!!  So random, because I don't even think he has ever even watched Mickey Mouse???

 Kisses for Mickey!

He really likes his Mickey!!  He has carried it around with him ever since and has slept with it at night :)

These next pics really aren't anything about his new love, but I wanted to show a pic of how much he LOVES to help throw his diapers away!!

Check out that FACE,,,he is so proud!!
