Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just a quick little post about how our day has been today :) This post is more for me really to look back on and see what our days looked like at this time in our lives.

I typically get in a little "funk" for a few days after Titus has a seizure, my Spirit is very tired and my son is very grumpy (he's wiped out too) which is draining on a mommy!  But, I feel that today was our "turn around day"!

We woke up and had a yummy breakfast together, then did our usual Bible time and Praise and Worship time.
Titus went down for his morning nap and the girls and I had our Learning Time and made these cute little turkeys.

My daddy stopped by and hung out for a bit (always a joy having him in the house, I love my Pops!!).

Once Titus woke up we hit the road off on a little adventure (I love going out and about with my kids, it wears me out, so I can't fly solo just for fun often).  We stopped by Hobby Lobby to get a toy (some random toy SJ wanted,,and yes she is pretty spoiled, ha!).  Then picked up Daddy from work for a lunch date at BK :)
Titus climbed ALL the way to the top of this huge wrap around slide and got stuck, so my pregnant self got to go up there and retrieve him, it was a sight for sure!

We dropped Seth back off and came home to enjoy the sunshine in the backyard.  I laid on my lawn chair and rotated back and forth between reading my "trashy magazine" (okay, not that kind of trashy,,haha, it was InTouch),,and library books for the kiddos.  Here is a pic of SJ with her new toy(s).

Now we are all in diapers and napping (well, not me, I am not in a diaper, haha, but I am going to *try to nap b/c I have my TWILIGHT saga with girlfriends tonight!!!). 

I love my little babies and absolutely adore staying home with them and pouring into them daily!!  AND I am super pumped for some girl time tonight and to see my Robert Pattinson ;)  I was actually thinking about making my shirt say "Team Robert,,,because he is who I am here to see anyway" haha, but I have a different shirt idea up my sleeve (pun intended, hahah, I am a dork!)


  1. I have a funny idea for a t-shirt...Since I can't go to the movie, I will just have to share my idea with ya'll tonight.

  2. Sooooo....why didn't SETH climb the playground???

  3. Wait...I thought we agreed on team Jacob...

  4. Seth was in line for a milkshake for the kids,,,and he thinks since he is tall that he is exempt,,but I think since I am "round" not "fat", then I am exempt, haha!
    Megan, now that I went back and watched the 3 movies over I am switching teams, Jacob is better for her, but he is cheezy, and I like my men tall,, lanky, and pale (hence Seth) ;-)
