Monday, February 13, 2012


Here's how our house has been looking lately....

I love love love napping with a sweet newbie, I typically spoil the heck out of a newborn for at least the first 2 weeks, THEN start laying them down and putting them on a schedule, since this may be our last newbie (we may adopt an older child instead of a newborn when we adopt), I can't make any promises that she won't be spoiled for much longer :)
Sibling love!!

Neela and Stevie are such great big sisters!!

They both ask to hold her like every 5 minutes!!  It's very sweet

Having a new  baby in the house, forces us to slow things down a bit and really enjoy each other!  Our love tank is running over :)

Oh yeah, and I do need to mention that we also have a MASSIVE pile of laundry staring at us, that neither one of us feel is important enough to worry about at the moment, the good thing is the pile is on the couch so this pile has been dressing everyone in the house without even have to go to the other rooms in the house to find clothes, ha!


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