Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big Girls

The other morning, we were doing some learning time and Neela started crying and saying that she really really wanted to go to school (she's been saying it a bunch, but I really didn't know how serious she was).  Well 1 minute later the phone rang and it was the local church's school calling saying that they knew we were new to the area and that they had 2 openings in their class if we were interested.
We talked about it and visited the school the next day.
The girls didn't want to leave, they loved it so much (mostly the toys!).
My big girls will be starting a 2 day a week preschool class tomorrow morning.
It is here in Hahira from 9-12 on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings.
I am trying hard not to make a real big deal about it because I don't want to get overly emotional, ha (me? hahaha).
Anyways, we have tossed around the idea of homeschooling the kids and that's still a possibility (to me, all day every day is just too long for kids!).  However, I do feel that my older girls would benefit having something special and "extra" and structured like this. Plus, if we do decide that Stevie will start kindergarten next year in "real school", then this will be GREAT for her to get use to things. So we will see how it goes.
Plus, I have always said if they do ask to go then I will let them, and Miss Neela Grace has been asking to go almost daily recently.
I wish they could just always and forever have this easy schedule (I can handle 6 hours a week, just not 40!!!).
We are taking things one day at a time :)
We don't always know what the future holds, but we always know who holds the future!!!

So tomorrow is a big fun day in the Megow house!!!
The girls were so excited tonight :)
Stevie Joy still asked a bit if I could come too, but Neela was like, "ugh! can I just go tonight!!??" ha!
Stevie will be decked out in her Angry Bird shirt and Neela has her My Little Pony shirt ready to go!
I will miss them, but I know they will have a BLAST!!
The school is super close to the house, we can golf-cart up there and be there within 2 minutes. Awesome. Great fit for us.
I am sure that Olive will mostly nap while they are gone so she will never even miss them. 
And, Titus will probably enjoy having his Mama all to himself :)
Tomorrow should be interesting :)



  1. omg!!!! this is HUGE for you!!!!! I know they really will love it and you will find that you may love it the younger ones that quality time will be special :) you WILL cry tomorrow. so be prepared! i BAWLED kye's first day and you have TWO kids you're "letting go" of..but you'll be okay and so will they!


  2. How super wonderful for all of you. It is just few hours a week, but they

    will start looking forward to those 2 days and their new friends. I'll be

    thinking about all of you tomarrow and looking forward to a good report.

    Lovingly. Nana

  3. Praying for you today! Bitter-sweet! They'll have SUPER fun and either be talking your head off with what all the did or crash with a nap! You're doing a great job Crissy! This whole momma thing is the hardest job in the world! Thankful for your transparency!
