Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sunshine n Spaghetti

Our beautiful, fun, sweet friend April (whom we like to call Sunshine), came over the other day for some hangout time n some spaghetti :)

Titus loves her baby, Josie Bell!  He insisted on sitting next to her during dinner.


After dinner we took a walk on the farm and picked some wild flowers.
The light was really pretty, so I asked April to snap a few pics for us.

My friend, Liz, loves these kinds of pics where it really looks like "real life" so I thought I would give it a try, 
you know Titus naked as normal, Seth frustrated about taking a picture, Olive ready to go down for a nap, Stevie and Neela acting like there are magnets in between them because they prefer to always be next to one another, and me (greasy hair, t-shirt, and short shorts, ha!).

Seth took the whole "just act natural" a bit far, I mean what is he even doing hunched over like this, hahaha!

returning the favor, getting a few pics of April with her Josie 

they are both so pretty!

last pic before heading back up to the house :)
It was suppose to be a pic of us with our kiddos, but Titus and Josie took off in the power wheels, classic.

The kids had a great time playing together:

We wore Miss Neela out, we found her like this on the couch:

We love April and Josie Bell so much.  They even stayed and had Bible time and prayer time with us as a family.  No one even thought it was out of the ordinary for them to be cuddled up on the girls' bed with our fam praying, singing, and reading :)  It was a great night.

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