Monday, September 24, 2012

While I Cook :)

In order to get things done (like cooking, cleaning, etc.)
This is what little bit looks like:

and this:

she just crawls all around these days:

it's a pretty tiring "job" army crawling around everywhere, so often she needs a break and sits in her jumper

(always happy)

Titus really enjoys the arts and crafts room! Here's what Buddy typically does while I cook (if I am lucky), LOTS of times, he just asks for 15 pops!!!!!!

then, I give in and can stand it anymore and need to hold that baby ;)

all while mixing, stirring, serving ;)

and then wa-la,,,dinner is served :)

(Titus makes fun of people so much when they put their elbows on the table, it's so funny to me!!)

It's a balancing act around here when it comes time to cook, but thankfully the babies are easily entertained and my hubby doesn't expect *too* much out of dinner :)

1 comment:

  1. omg i have to ALWAYS cook with a baby on my hip!!! i worry all the time that i might burn her or something!!!
