Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mamaw's Birthday Party

Paw and Mamaw have come for a visit this week, and we are so happy to have them here.
Next week is Mamaw's birthday, but since she is here this week, we decided to throw her a little 
birthday party early :)

Seth cooked his famous clam and shrimp linguine pasta, so so so yummy!

Group Shot, ready to feast:

putting the finishing touches on the cake...

she can party with the best of them!

ready for cake!

I was trying to hurry with the candles, but the lighter was messing up, so I was leading the birthday song s-u-p-e-r s-l-o-o-o-o-w

ahhhh, hurry candles light!

Paw sneaking little bites to Olive ;)

Time for presents
I took the kids to the Dollar Store and let them pick out what they thought Mamaw would enjoy for her bday
Stevie Joy got Mamaw a purple My Little pony and a purple Hawaiian lei, Neela got Mamaw some chocolate M&M's (they share a love for chocolate), and Titus got Mamaw some new reading glasses (blue, of course) and a chain for her glasses.  Titus actually did the best with his gift :)

The party was fun and we are continuing to enjoy Mamaw and Paw for the rest of the week, 
especially this little one :)

I have been trying to get a good picture of all four grandkids together for a birthday gift, but,,,well my luck has not been so great thus far :-/

hilarious, Olive is the only one looking and smiling!

I gave up! and let them just play!! We'll try again later ;)

"I just wasn't feeling the pics today, Mama, Don't be mad!"

We are looking forward to some more Paw and Mamaw time while they are here this week :)


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