Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Playing with our Babies

The girls have been into playing with their baby dolls recently, so this morning during Titus's morning nap, we set our living room up as a "daycare" for their babies/animals :)

Putting Thomas night night (literally)
 she is like her mama, multiple babies :)
 so sweet to see her playing with dolls, she has never really been into them,,,I guess Neela is rubbing off on her?

I guess she believes in co-sleeping (makes sense, she does sleep with Thomas the cat for every single nap)
 Pro-breastfeeding Mama

 We are excited about Baby Rocket
 *Especially ME!!!!!!!!!

This pic was taken later in the day, just before nap time, but how is it that he already knows how to work the remote and aggravate his sisters, lol!

1 comment:

  1. baby dolls are SUCH good practice for the real thing!!! kye has a baby monkey we use for practice ;)
