Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Girls' New Bed

We decided to move the girls from two separate toddler beds to one full bed.  We went back and forth trying to decide between two twin beds, a trundle bed, or a full bed.  Our neighbors gave us a bunk bed that the bottom part is a full and you can do the beds seperate meaning that we can just add the top bunk part later, so the "free" option helped us make our decision :)  
I was kinda nervous about it at first only b/c our kids have never slept in the bed with us or anyone else (although Stevie Joy does sleep with her Mamaw in the bed when she spends the night over there).  I was worried that it may take them a while to get use to having someone else in the bed with them.  Seth assured me that they would get use to it eventually and that he felt that in the long run they would really like it, so we went for it :)
So far so good, except that poor Neela, we took her night time pacie away from her last week (one day she woke up with buck teeth, so we felt like it was time, hahaha).  So at night, when it's time for bed, she randomly starts crying (like in the pic above) and she doesn't even say that she is crying about her pacie she says random things like "I want Thomas" or "I want Gaba"  but I think she just misses her pacie.

The following pics are some that I snapped today during the day,,,Neela ran in there with her cat (of course) and helped model off the bed for the camera ;)

 Pretending to be asleep with Kitty
 Just chillin'
Their room seems so much more like a "kid room" now,,,it's fun but kinda sad at the same time, you know "mom-mushy-gushy" stuff :)  I have been wanting to paint a Fruits of the Spirit tree on their wall for a while now, but I want to make sure that we are staying in this house for a while b4 tampering with the walls :)

1 comment:

  1. wow a blog entry?!?! dang girl i'm impressed!!!! love the quilt and their new bed! i totally love doing the tree in there too :)
